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Beginning Django E-Commerce

Author(s): James McGaw

Series: The expert's voice in Web development

Publisher: Apress; Distributed by Springer-Verlag, Year: 2009

I've just started this book and already the author has given several instructions on what to do, assuming the reader knows how. For such a long book you'd think there would be more instructions, but you'd be surprised by how many times just in the first few chapters you're told to do something with very loose instructions on HOW.

FYI, if I'm reading a book with BEGINNERS in the title, maybe you should tell me HOW to setup the MySql database, don't just give me what you typed into your command shell on a "Unix variant" machine. That does me no good.

So now I'm stuck and I have to go online to find instructions on how to create a MySql database and how to setup users and permissions. THANKS $40 BOOK!

But this gives me an idea for a book titled, "How To Omit Information In Beginner Books For Guaranteed Misery".

Jokes aside, if the book is starting with such holes, I'm scared for the rest of the book.