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Author(s): MARK CODING

Year: 2020

Have you been interested in getting started with coding, but you are worried that it will be too hard to accomplish and learn? Have you heard about data science and all of the different benefits that this can offer and want to see what it can do for you?

Would you like to learn the basics, and maybe some of the more complex stuff without having to spend hours and days and months trying to get it done?

There are a lot of different coding languages out there that you can use. They offer us a lot of benefits and can help us to get a ton of work done in a short amount of time. Picking the right language can be tough, and many times, it depends on the operating system that you want to work with, and what project you want to complete. But when it comes to a good coding language that can handle all of the projects you have in a simple and easy-to-use manner, then the Python coding language is going to be the best choice for you.