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BHM / BBS / BBM (Bachelors in Management)
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BHM / BBS / BBM (Bachelors in Management)
Audio Summary
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Food and Beverage Service by R. Singaravelavan - BHM
Setting the Table_ The Transforming Power of Hospitality in Business (2008) - Danny Meyer - BHM
Hotel front office management by James A. Bardi - BHM
Hotel Management and Operations- Denney G. Rutherford, Michael J. O’Fallon - BHM
The Larder Chef M.J Leto & W.K.H. Bode - BHM
Garde Manger~The Art and Craft of the Cold Kitchen, 4th ed - The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) - BHM
Garde Manger~The Art and Craft of the Cold Kitchen, 4th ed - The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) - BHM
Garde Manger~The Art and Craft of the Cold Kitchen, 4th ed - The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) - BHM
Garde Manger~The Art and Craft of the Cold Kitchen, 4th ed - The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) - BHM
Garde Manger~The Art and Craft of the Cold Kitchen, 4th ed - The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) - BHM
Garde Manger~The Art and Craft of the Cold Kitchen, 4th ed - The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) - BHM
Garde Manger~The Art and Craft of the Cold Kitchen, 4th ed - The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) - BHM
On Cooking, Fifth Edition Update - Sarah R. Labensky- part 1 -BHM
On Cooking, Fifth Edition Update - Sarah R. Labensky- PART 2 -BHM
On Cooking, Fifth Edition Update - Sarah R. Labensky-part 3-BHM
Professional Cooking, 7th Editi - Wayne Gisslen -BHM
The Cook’s Book of Ingredients-PART 1-BHM
The Cook’s Book of Ingredients-PART 2-BHM
Practical cookery - David Foskett, John Campbell, Victor Ceserani -BHM
Practical cookery - David Foskett, John Campbell, Victor Ceserani -BHM
Marketing Management_ Millennium Edition-Prentice Hall (1999) - Philip Kotler -BHM/BBM/BBS
Principle of business Law. - BBS
Business Research Methods (2008) - Greener S. -BBS
Financial Accounting_ Reporting and Analysis-South-Western College Pub (2001) - Earl K. Stice, James Stice, Michael Diamond -BBS
Introduction to Micro Economic - Dr. David A. Dilts - BBS
Business Statistics Demystified-McGraw-Hill Professional (2004) - Steven M. Kemp, Sid Kemp -BBS
Business Statistics Demystified-McGraw-Hill Professional (2004) - Steven M. Kemp, Sid Kemp -BBS
Cost Management_ Accounting and Control-South-Western College Pub (2005) - Don R.(Don R. Hansen) Hansen, Maryanne M. Mowen -BBS
Business and Technical Communication_ An Annotated Guide to Sources, S - Sandra E. Belanger, Susan Kendall, Toby Matoush, Yuhfen D. Wu - BBS
Introduction to Micro Economic - Dr. David A. Dilts - BBS
Macroeconomics _ integrating theory, policy and practice for a new era-Business Expert Press (2015) - (2014 digital library._ Economics collection) Tuerck, David G -BBS
A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice-Kogan Page (2006) - Michael Armstrong - BBS
Principles of Management-OP -BBS
English For Business Studies - Ian Mackenzie - BBS
An International Introduction-Prentice Hall PTR, Pearson (2004) - David Alexander, Christopher Nobes - Financial Accounting - BBM
A Problem-Solving Approach-Cambridge University Press (2005) - Nick Wilkinson - Managerial Economics - BBM
Business-regulatory-framework - BBM
Corporate Financial Accounting & Reporting -Financal Times Management (2004) - Tim Sutton - BBM
International Trade and Finance_ New Frontiers for Research-Cambridge University Press (1997) - Benjamin J. Cohen - BBM
Business Communication and Soft Skills - BBM
Mathematics for Economics and Business (5th Edition)-Prentice Hall (2006) - Ian Jacques - BBM
Economic Environment of Business - BBM
Entrepreneurship Development - BBM
Mathematics for Economics and Business (5th Edition)-Prentice Hall (2006) - Ian Jacques - BBM
Principles of Management -BBM
Principles of Management -BBM
Office Automation_ An Essential Management Strategy-Palgrave Macmillan UK (1982) - Susan Curran, Horace Mitchell (auth.) - BBM
Company Law & Secretarial Practice - BBM